Art Director

I Asked Jack Mallers A Question


I Asked Jack Mallers A Question

Me: In the panel’s opinion, would it be advisable to avoid working at companies that deal with the handling of unregistered securities, particularly those associated with coins that lack genuine censorship resistance i.e. altcoins?

Jack: Should you work for a shitcoin company? My personal answer is no.

I believe that shitcoins lack morals, ethics, and vision. Eventually, we will all face our mortality. As human beings, especially when building our careers, we desire to be a part of something greater than ourselves and work on endeavors that outlast our own lifetimes. In other words, we don’t want to spend our entire lives alone, purposeless, and ultimately perish.

Personally, I aspire to contribute to something larger than myself, something that has enduring significance within the greater narrative of humanity. Shubidukee Coin, for instance, lacks morals and ethics. While it’s uncertain when it will cease to exist, its eventual demise seems probable. That’s not how I envision spending my life.

So, my personal answer is a resounding no. And from the standpoint of humanity, the answer remains the same. However, everyone is entitled to their own preferences and choices. I am not the arbiter of truth or the director of your path. This is simply my opinion.